The 2024 Team Chico Business Survey is here!
We need input from local businesses to help Chico's economic development collaborative identify what business services are needed in the greater business community.
Please take this short, but impactful, survey to help Team Chico develop additional resources for your business.

What is Team Chico?
Partnership is the new normal; a trusted and valued operating philosophy earned through years of collaboration. Our Team Chico model is award-winning and effective, and our reputation as a full-service business support and outreach team continues to grow. Our commitment to providing professional, expert services to the local business community through the Team Chico partnership remains a priority for each of our organizations.
Through this public-private partnership with the City of Chico, we are able to advance the city’s economic development goals, retain and grow local businesses, and ensure Chico remains attractive to potential employers. Our mission is to continue to position Team Chico for integrated action as the City of Chico responds to the needs of growing businesses and industries, especially during this time of recovery. As the City’s economic base grows through efforts supported by Team Chico, our partnership will strengthen and grow, and our local economy will thrive.
​Team Chico is comprised of the Chico Chamber of Commerce, City of Chico, Alliance for Workforce Development, Butte College, Butte College the Training Place, Butte College Small Business Development Center, Chico State University, Downtown Chico Business Association, Explore Butte County, North State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, North State Planning and Development Collective, and 3CORE.